Tech Task #6: Creating a survey:
I created two different surveys: 1) I emailed everyone in the class and asked them what their what favourite music is. 2) I created a survey about a cat and placed it on my blog. Personally I saw a greater benefit sending an email to individuals because I was able to get more "human" responses from my classmates. **Thanks to everyone who participated!!** As a teacher I would have a problem having students do a test on Google. During a test students can feel insecure about the questions and answers they are giving, Google has no right invading the privacy between a teacher and a student. When my students write a test, I (the teacher) will be the one to correct/see the tests. I am disgusted that Google would even try to suggest we do "surveys" with our students on Google spreadsheets. What ever happened to student/teacher privacy? Do students want Google to know when they made a mistake answering a simple question? I think Ill stick to pieces of paper when I want to do a "survey". Thanks for the offer, but no thanks Google. Peace
Hey Mickey,
ReplyDeleteI'm on your side for this one; although I think google would be great for assignments, group projects and research, I still believe tests are something to be done teacher-to-student.
On the other hand, if the majority of a class is spent online, watching presentations and researching, then wouldn't a written test throw them off?
Maybe a survey with your students would be useful for that question ;)
Dude! I didn't get your music survey!
ReplyDeleteBummer... I would've enjoyed filling that out.