Google Maps is a tool that displays every landmark, city, highway, dirt road and home from a aerial view. I think the photos are taken by satelites. This game could be used in class while teaching a geography lesson.
Example: The capital cities of Canada: The map is zoomed out so that the entire Earth is in frame. The teacher would say the name of a capital city. The students (each at individual computers, or partners) would then race to find the city, by only using the drag and zoom. Doing this students will be able to navigate the entire globe in search of the city. This activity would exercises a students knowledge of Canada's geographic layout. This activity could also be used as a quick activity when teaching a History class about Ancient Rome. Relevance could be achieved after seeing the city, now!
When I was in China I used this to show some of my students my home in Canada. They couldn't believe how much space there was!
What a great idea, Mickey! Thanks for sharing it with us; this class is going to be great just because of all the sharing we will be doing :)
Google maps are the best. I am not sure what I would do without them (coming from a small town to Regina and not knowing where anything is).