Thursday, February 26, 2009

My first official blog entry...

What is a blog? Is it public personal journal? Is it a space on the Internet where people can express their feelings? I heard a story about how some "rock-star" wrote some emotional and personal entries on her blog. Some kind of scandal occurred I think. I didn't care enough to pay attention.
I have no problem with people blogging and expressing themselves on the Internet, but I have troubles expressing my personal thoughts in a public domain. For about 2 years I have been writing my thoughts in notebooks (my thoughts tend to rhyme). In our online EComp 355 class last night we started discussing artists/teachers on the Internet. What an artist sees as a art is often seen completely different by the audience. I love the fact that someone can hate what I love, but I often need to examine my "art" before I can evaluate whether or not I love it. For me, art rarely starts out as some planned activity, I usually start with nothing and see what happens from there. I have submitted random pieces of my art on the Internet since I was in gr.10. Deviantart is a site where users can submit pictures of various medium and styles. I made some cool picture of Super Mario in MS Paint. Me and a friend made some rap songs about video games back in the day; Myspace, Reverbnation, Newgrounds and other similar sites were great ways for us to get connected with other artists with the similar ideas. Now that I can look back at some of my earlier work I can see/hear the progress I have made. Am I worried that some day in the future, someone will find an audio recording of me talking about "PKing" someone in an online world? Nope! Teachers were once children too, we've all made mistakes and we've all said or done something we have regretted.

Here's a little story I'd like to share...

I was 11 years old when my mom first got a dial up Internet connection hooked up in our home. The first thing I did was make an hotmail account. All my friends had super awesome email addresses, like straight out of the Matrix. I started thinking of what my email address should be... Well at the time, I was obsessed with hunting. I was too young to carry a gun, so I got to "push-bush"-basically I walked through buck brush and scared deer out so my dad could shoot at them. With that in my head I thought of "bushboy". Someone already had that as an email address so I randomly selected "84" to follow it. Bushboy84 was created. My secret identity on the internet! This user name has been used for many other accounts. My Xbox live account is Bushboy84 (add me up, we'll go pwn some noobs in Halo3!). On Xbox live, users can talk to each other through head sets. I'm not going to quote any of the remarks I received on my user name, I'll let you make the assumptions. I'm torn, I've had this screen name since I started exploring the internet, should I kill it because some people misinterpret the meaning, or should I keep it.

Well this is my attempt at "blogging", I filled up my notebook yesterday, so I thought I should try babbling on a blog...



  1. nice blog Mickey, many of my friends are greatly involved in the xbox world. And I just can't comprehend why. I guess girls just werent meant to play video games, except I can rip it on mario, you name it Ive wrapped it. Anyhow, you were also wondering about some good tunes, maybe these will be sufficient:
    -Dead prez. Download "Hip Hop". Me and my buddy would turn this up in her old Ford Escort Sport Edition and feel really gangster. Please listen to this one, don't let my story scare you away.
    -MF Doom is great too, "Orange Blossoms".
    -I said Bone thugs, you mentioned they are slow, but that does not need to be a bad thing, download "crossroads" it may just bring a tear to your eye. I like "First of the month" too.
    -Buck 65 is pretty sweet, canadian, you've probably heard of him.
    -Heard of Chromeo? They have some pretty radical dance beats.

    Thats all for now, let me know what you think.

  2. I totally hear you on being an artist on the world wide web, and having people misinterpret your art. Our group was talking about that, and how because we're in the education program, I can't just post anything, I have to censor myself just for the possibility of someone misinterpreting it and taking it the wrong way, putting me in a difficult position.
    I also have a deviantart account. I've had mine since gr.10 too, and it is so great looking back and seeing my progress as an artist.
    As for bushboy84... Keep it, but get a professional e-mail for other stuff, like school. I've had postcardstories since gr.10, and find it too hard to let go to.

  3. There are actaully a lot of girls playing on Xbox live, but it's really a world conquered by cocky boys. Compared to a lot of my friends I'm just a noob gamer, I don't really keep up with the recent game releases. Who isn't a fan of Mario? One of my favourites has got to be "Super Mario World" for the SNES. The 3 NES Super Mario titles are classic, but Super Nintendo was just super duper. I'm actaully currently listen to some MF Doom now. I love his un-orthodox/straight-forward flow. I heard a bit of Dead Prez, I think I'll check em out after MF Doom. I'm a fan of Buck 65, gotta love that genre blending sound. Some other decent Canadian hip hop artists are Swollen Member, Sweat Shop Union, Def3, Classified and K-Os. I'm didnt mean to make Bone-Thugs "slow" sound bad. I like a quick a tempo when its winter. Those calm summer nights are the best served with that relax music. Someday I'll listen to some Bone-thugs.

    Art is Human's greatest invention. I find it amazing how people can interpret artwork. That "Scribble Title" project we did in Arts Ed. was such a great example of how our perspectives are completly individual.

    Since us teachers feel we need to censor our expression, do you think students feel the same way? What should teachers do to create the best learning environment? Maybe a students artistic expression is un-appropriate for the classroom/students.

  4. Well I remember in high school, I was in IB art, and our art teacher allowed us to do whatever we wanted as long as we had research and meaning to back it up. I didn't feel censored at all in that class, and I made a lot of crazy political paintings. But than again, that was IB art. Regular art is structured, and you can't just do whatever you want. If I could, I would make all my classes like IB.
